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ECJ Ruling on Digital Platforms Interoperability

ECJ ruled today that refusing interoperability between a dominant digital platform and third-party applications may be considered an abuse of dominant position.

A professional businesswoman in a high-tech environment interacting with a futuristic digital interface displaying "EU Court Ruling on Digital Platforms." The setting emphasizes digital regulation, technology, and cybersecurity.

O femeie de afaceri intr-un mediu high-tech, interactionand cu o interfata digitala futurista pe care apare textul „Decizie CJUE privind platformele digitale”. Mediul evidentiaza reglementarea digitala, tehnologia si securitatea cibernetica.

Landmark Decision on Digital Competition

On 25 February 2025, the Court of Justice of the European Union (ECJ) issued its ruling in Case C-233/23 – Alphabet and Others, establishing that a dominant digital platform’s refusal to allow interoperability with an application developed by another company may constitute an abuse of dominant position.

This decision sets a precedent in digital competition law, defining clear limitations for dominant platforms controlling essential infrastructures for other businesses.

Case Background

In 2018, Enel X Italia Srl requested that Google allow interoperability between its app JuicePass—used for locating and booking electric vehicle charging stations—and Android Auto.

Google refused, leading Enel X Italia to file a complaint with the Italian Competition Authority, which ruled that Google's actions constituted an abuse of dominant position under Article 102 TFEU and imposed a fine exceeding €102 million.

When Is Denying Interoperability Considered Abusive?

According to the ECJ Ruling on Digital Platforms, a platform does not need to be indispensable for its refusal of interoperability to be deemed anti-competitive.

The decision is abusive when:

  • The platform already allows third-party integrations

  • Interoperability would make an app more attractive to consumers

Restricting interoperability limits competition and stifles innovation, with significant anti-competitive effects.

When Is Refusal Justified?

ECJ clarified that a dominant company may legitimately refuse interoperability under specific conditions:

  • No technically feasible model was available at the time of request

  • Interoperability compromises platform security

  • Insurmountable technical challenges exist

If none of these reasons apply, the dominant company must develop an interoperability model within a reasonable timeframe and may request financial compensation for implementation costs.

Impact of the ECJ Ruling on Digital Platforms on the Digital Market

This ruling establishes that restricting access to essential digital infrastructures will not be tolerated in the EU.

Large platforms argue that forced interoperability discourages investment and compromises cybersecurity. Smaller companies claim such restrictions block innovation and limit market access.

By enforcing this decision, the EU strengthens its digital competition framework, ensuring a fairer market for all players. Although the refusal to ensure interoperability may be justified under certain conditions, dominant companies must be prepared to offer reasonable solutions for access to their platforms. This ruling sends a clear signal that anti-competitive exclusionary practices will not be tolerated in the EU, thereby protecting the rights of smaller developers and ensuring a fairer market for all players in the technology sector.


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CJUE: Platformele digitale trebuie sa permita interoperabilitatea in mod echitabil


CJUE a decis astazi ca refuzul unei platforme digitale dominante de a permite interoperabilitatea poate constitui un abuz de pozitie dominanta.

Decizie istorica privind concurenta digitala

Pe 25 februarie 2025, Curtea de Justitie a Uniunii Europene (CJUE) a emis decizia in cauza C-233/23 – Alphabet si altii, stabilind ca refuzul unei platforme digitale dominante de a permite interoperabilitatea cu o aplicatie dezvoltata de o alta companie poate constitui un abuz de pozitie dominanta.

Aceasta hotarare creeaza un precedent in dreptul concurentei digitale, stabilind limite clare pentru platformele dominante care controleaza infrastructuri esentiale pentru alte afaceri.

Contextul cazului

In 2018, compania Enel X Italia Srl a solicitat Google sa permita interoperabilitatea aplicatiei JuicePass – utilizata pentru localizarea si rezervarea statiilor de incarcare a vehiculelor electrice – cu Android Auto.

Google a refuzat, iar Enel X Italia a sesizat Autoritatea italiana de concurenta, care a considerat refuzul un abuz de pozitie dominanta conform art. 102 TFUE si a sanctionat Google cu o amenda de peste 102 milioane de euro.

Cand este considerat abuziv refuzul interoperabilitatii?

CJUE a decis ca o platforma nu trebuie sa fie indispensabila pentru ca refuzul interoperabilitatii sa fie considerat anticoncurential.

Refuzul este abuziv atunci cand:

  • Platforma permite deja accesul unor terte parti

  • Interoperabilitatea ar face o aplicatie mai atractiva pentru consumatori

Restrictiile de interoperabilitate limiteaza concurenta si reduc inovatia, avand efecte anticoncurentiale semnificative.

Cand este justificat refuzul?

CJUE a precizat ca o companie dominanta poate refuza interoperabilitatea daca:

  • Nu exista un model tehnic fezabil la momentul solicitarii

  • Interoperabilitatea ar afecta securitatea platformei

  • Exista dificultati tehnice insurmontabile

Daca niciuna dintre aceste conditii nu este indeplinita, compania dominanta trebuie sa creeze un model de interoperabilitate intr-un termen rezonabil si poate solicita o contraprestatie financiara pentru acest efort.

Impactul deciziei asupra pietei digitale

Aceasta hotarare stabileste ca limitarea accesului la infrastructurile digitale esentiale nu va fi tolerata in UE.

Platformele mari sustin ca interoperabilitatea fortata descurajeaza investitiile si compromite securitatea cibernetica. Companiile mai mici considera ca astfel de restrictii blocheaza inovatia si limiteaza accesul la piata.

Prin aceasta decizie, UE isi intareste cadrul de reglementare pentru concurenta digitala, asigurand o piata mai echitabila pentru toti participantii. Cu toate ca refuzul de a asigura interoperabilitatea poate fi justificat în anumite conditii, companiile dominante trebuie sa fie pregatite sa ofere solutii rezonabile pentru accesul la platformele lor.  Aceasta hotarâre trimite un semnal clar ca practicile de excludere a concurentei nu vor fi tolerate în UE, protejând în acest fel drepturile dezvoltatorilor mai mici si asigurând o piata mai echitabila pentru toti actorii din domeniul tehnologic.


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