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Bogdan Nastase
Apr 2, 20212 min read
Check VAT code Romania: how to verify a Romanian company's VAT number
According to the ECJ, checking if a Romanian supplier is VAT-registered is not mandatory. However, in certain cases it may be useful.
Bogdan Nastase
Apr 1, 202110 min read
Get VAT code Romania: how to get the VAT registration number in Romania
Four cases: 1) before or 2) after revenue of RON 300k, 3) intra-EU transactions, 4) e-commerce
Bogdan Nastase
Apr 1, 20212 min read
Romanian VAT basics
Getting the VAT code has several advantages: I will be able to do business with companies in the EU and get back VAT paid to Romanian firms
Bogdan Nastase
Feb 18, 20212 min read
Environment Fund Administration | Registering for online access
In its latest report, the Environment Fund Administration AFM mentions almost 150 tax inspections in a year, with a value of 50 million euro
Maria Piroi
Feb 2, 20212 min read
⚠️ Attention administrators: not filing the annual inventory is a contravention
The Accounting Law states that not filing the annual inventory is a contravention of the director, with a penalty between 400 and 5000 RON.
Maria Piroi
Jan 30, 202110 min read
Why is equity so important?
Equity represents the added value of a company, the results of the effort of my work from the beginning of the company to the current date.
Maria Piroi
Jan 29, 20214 min read
Deductible expenses in Romania, with examples
An expense is business-deductible only if it is actually related to the business, is properly documented - and is recorded in the accounting
Maria Piroi
Jan 29, 202115 min read
How to read the Annual Financial Statements of a Romanian company
The Annual Financial Statements are like a business card: they represent the company in front of an investor, a bank, a public authority.
Maria Piroi
Jan 29, 202118 min read
How to read a Romanian trial balance
The trial balance - or, for short, the balance - represents the mirror of a company’s activity. All the operations reach it.
Bogdan Nastase
Jan 5, 202110 min read
Top banks for business in Romania: how to choose the right one
What to do before opening a business bank account: ASDC. Analysis➡️Shortlist➡️Discussions➡️Checklist. How to open the account afterwards
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